目的 掌握克山病监测点区 (辽宁省清原县 )克山病病情及消长趋势 ,探讨其发病机理。方法 在全县范围内 ,采用线索调查方法 ,了解急型、亚急型及慢型克山病 (慢克 )的发病情况。对潜在型克山病 (潜克 )监测点(二道沟村 )全体居民进行克山病普查 (同步查体、描心电图、心脏Β超检查 ) ,同时开展膳食营养状况等相关因素的调查。结果 2 0 0 1年清原县无急型、亚急型新发病例 ,新发慢克 1例 ,年发病率为 0 .0 3/万。潜克监测点内检出慢克 1例、潜克 2 5例 ,总检出率为 6 .1%。监测点区居民膳食结构不合理 ,营养状况低下。结论 监测点区及所在县病情较稳定 ,但潜克发病呈上升趋势。建议在病区进一步改善膳食模式。
Objective To understand the dynamic state of Keshan disease (KD) at the national surveillance region and explore the mechanism(s) of the disease.Methods The authors applied clue investigation to learn the morbidity of acute, sub acute and chronic KD in all over the county, and general physical examination to make sure the status of KD (by physical examination, ECG, echocardiograph) for the whole inhabitants in the latent KD surveillance area(Erdaogou village), and the authors also conducted the investigation for related factors including eating habits and nutritional state at the same time.Results There were no newly occurred patients with acute or sub acute KD, only one chronic KD patient appeared in the whole county this year. The morbidity of this year was 0.003‰.1 chronic and 25 latent patients were diagnosed in the surveillance region. The total morbidity was 6.1%.It was also noticed that residents in the area consumed unbalanced diets and the generally nutritional state showed inadequate.Conclusions The current situation of KD remains steady compared with the previous study, but there is an upward trend to the latent KD.The results suggest that the food structure should be improved at the disease areas.
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology