本文研究了沿黄低洼盐碱地南美白对虾(Penaeus vannamei)和南美蓝对虾(Penaeusstylirostris)养殖技术和健康养殖模式。结果表明:沿黄低洼盐碱地养殖用水经适当的离子调节,可明显提高2种对虾虾苗的存活率;通过合理的水质调控和病害防治技术,获得较高的经济效益,其中半精养池塘2种对虾养殖平均产量为163.5kg/亩,平均投入产出比为220%;精养池塘分别为395kg/亩、244%,而且南美蓝对虾的成活率、产值、纯利润和投入产出比均比南美白对虾的要高。提出在沿黄低洼盐碱地推广抗病力强的南美蓝对虾健康精养模式。
The culture technology and the healthy culture style of the Penaeus vanname and P. stylirostris in low-lying soline-alkali soil along the Yellow River is studied in this paper. The results show that the survival rate of the post larvae rises remarkably by regulating the ion content of the culture water. By means of regulating the water quality properly and controlling disease effectively, the P. vanname and P. stylirostris culture reached a high economic benefit. The average yield and the average ratio between input and output of the two shrimps was 163. 5kg/667m2, 220% in semi-culture ponds, and 395kg/667m2, 244% in culture ponds. Moreover in semi-culture ponds as well as in culture ponds the culture index of the P. stylirostris was higher than that of the P. vanname. The paper advances a healthy mode of culturing the P. stylirostris that is strong enough to resist disease in low-lying soline-alkali soil along the Yellow River.
Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology