通过对第 10届冬季运动会、世界锦标赛的调研以及对 clap冰刀结构和性能的分析 ,探讨了 Clap冰刀蹬冰技术动作原理。认为尽管对 clap冰刀的功效有多种解释 ,但其核心是以提高踝关节的灵活性来达到增大下肢各关节协调作用的目的。在比较传统冰刀和 clap冰刀肌群工作特点后 ,提出 clap冰刀技术动作的训练重点 ,应强化臀大肌、股二头肌、背肌等伸肌群的训练。
Through investigating on 10th National Winter Games and World championship,analyzing the structure and function of clap skate,this paper discusses technical principle of pedal movement for clap skate.Although there exist many explanations on efficacy of clap skate,its core is to raise the flexibility of ankle joint,so as to increase the coordination of muscles in lower limbs.After comparing muscles work characteristics of traditional skate with clap skate,the author points out that the training for clap skate should emphasize the extension muscle of gluteus,biceps and latissimus dorsi.
China Sport Science and Technology