
Crossbreeding parameters for fertility traits in a rotational crossbreeding between Landrace and Pi6train pigs

Crossbreeding parameters for fertility traits in a rotational crossbreeding between Landrace and Piétrain pigs
摘要 The reproduction characteristics of 343 sows in six different breeding gxoups wexe anal3nmd to estimate the crcesbreeding parameters. The results indicated that the ovulation rate and the weights of uterus and ovary are mainly determined by the additive genetic effects while the nonadditive genetic effects play an important role in embryonal traits and litter perfcm-nance. The heterosis effects in the first litter are larger than those in the second litter becatme of heterosis ac environment interaction. The results also showed the existence of a highly significant maternal heterosis effect on the fertility traits of sows. The reproduction characteristics of 343 sows in six different breeding groups were analyzed to estimate the crossbreeding parameters. The results indicated that the ovulation rate and the weights of uterus and ovary are mainly determined by the additive genetic effects while the nonadditive genetic effects play an important role in embryonal traits and litter performance. The heterosis effects in the first litter are larger than those in the second litter because of heterosis x environment interaction. The results also showed the existence of a highly significant maternal heterosis effect on the fertility traits of sows.
出处 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 CSCD 2002年第3期367-370,共4页 浙江大学学报(自然科学英文版)
关键词 长白猪 皮特兰猪 轮回杂交 杂交种 繁殖能力 Landrace pig, Piétrain pig, Crossbreeding parameter, Fertility traits
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