在原七自由度悬挂机组系统模型的基础上 ,提出了运输状态下拖拉机悬挂机组系统的三自由度模型 ,并以此模型为基础 ,利用VisualC+ + 6 .0语言和MATLAB计算引擎 ,开发了运输状态下悬挂载荷的分析程序 ,该程序借助于MATLAB的强大功能 ,具有使用方便、实用性强等特点。本文还对程序中各功能模块进行了分析 ,并对某拖拉机悬挂载荷的分析结果进行了验证 ,分析结果与实测结果具有较好的一致性。
In this paper,a three freedom model of loads in tractor linkages with rear mounted implements in transportation is introduced according to principal seven freedom model.Based on the model,and using Visual C ++ 6.0 program language and MATLAB to calculation of engine,an analysis program which is used to analyze the loads in tractor linkages was developed.The use of MATLAB makes the program easier and practical.In this paper ,the program was divided into several modules according to the function,and each module was analyzed.Finally,a test was carried out and the results agree well with that of analysis.
Journal of Luoyang Institute of Technology