针对目前质量驱动产品设计研究中存在的问题和不足 ,首次提出了基于全生命周期质量驱动产品设计系统的概念 ,以全生命周期设计过程和质量保证工具为研究主线 ,建立了智能支持的全生命周期质量驱动产品设计系统的集成模型 ,开发了原型系统。本文着重论述了集成模型及其实现的关键技术。
The systematic concept of Quality Driven Product Design System based on Product Life Cycle (LC QDPDS) is proposed firstly,which aims at the shortage of the presented research status of Quality Driven Product Design(QDPD).According to the main research threads of Life Cycle Design (LCD) and assurance tools of quality,the intelligent integrated framework model of LC QDPDS is established.The prototype of the LC QDPDS is also developed.This paper focuses primarily on the integrated framework of LC QDPDS and the key techniques of realizing.
Journal of Luoyang Institute of Technology
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (5 9775 0 83 )