为了识别浮法玻璃生产线上玻璃的等级标记 ,实现玻璃的自动化分等级堆垛 ,本文提出了运用减影的方法提取运动玻璃上的等级标记 ,并提出了一种基于膨胀的识别目标的新方法 ,此方法源于在包含标记的二值图象中 ,从标记区到背景区黑色象素点 (灰度值为零 )的个数大幅度减少的现象。玻璃等级动态在线识别系统的应用实践表明 ,本文提出的方法运算速度快 。
In order to recognize the glass's grade mark and stack up the glasses automatically according to the rank,a method to acquire the motive glass's grade mark by using the subtracting image and a new recognized method based on dilation are put forward. This method makes use of a phenomena that the number of black pixels reduces sharply from mark region to background region in the two value image which includes the grade mark.The application of the new recognized method in the system of glass grade mark dynamic recognizing shows that this method runs fast and recognizing is accurate.
Journal of Luoyang Institute of Technology