通过设置保留茎瘤和去除茎瘤处理 ,研究长喙田菁 (Sesbaniarostrata)在铅锌尾矿、客土和纯土环境中的生长发育情况。结果表明 :保留茎瘤使长喙田菁的株高、地上部生物量、地下部生物量、全株生物量和叶绿素含量分别比去除茎瘤处理提高了 2 4 %~ 4 8%、2 7 4 %~ 6 7 9%、2 8 5 %~ 99 3%、2 7 6 %~ 72 3%和 17 0 %~ 2 3 4 %,这种作用在纯尾矿处理组最为显著 ,客土处理组次之 ,即环境愈恶劣 ,茎瘤这种作用愈显著 ,证明了茎瘤对长喙田菁适应铅锌尾矿环境有积极的贡献。
Growth of Sesbania rostrata was examined in plants treated by keeping or removing stem nodule and grown on Pb/Zn tailings or soil amended tailings or pure soil. It was shown that all the tested properties concerning the growth of S. rostrata were higher in the treatments that stem nodule being kept than that stem nodule being removed, ig. plant height increased by 2.4%-4.8%, shoot biomass by 27.4%-67.9%, root biomass by 28.5%-99.3%, total biomass by 27.6%-72.3%, and chlorophyll content by 17.0%-23.4%. The results show that the stem nodule is most effective in improving the growth when plants were grown on pure Pb/Zn tailings rather than those on soil amended tailings and pure soil.Therefore,the poorer the soil condition,the greater the contribution of stem nodule gives.These results proved that the stem nodule plays important roles in the adaptation of S.rostrata to Pb/Zn tailings environments.
Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology
国家自然科学基金 (30 0 70 12 6 )
广东省自然科学基金 ( 980 2 93)资助项目