介绍了用物理过滤和化学混凝处理造纸黑液的方法 ,即对经稀释和物理过滤后的黑液 ,用生石灰调整其pH值 ,然后用聚合氯化铝和聚丙烯酰胺混凝。通过试验确定了最佳工艺条件 :每吨黑液的生石灰用量 0 .1t,聚合氯化铝用量 12kg ,聚丙烯酰胺用量 6g。通过对处理后水样的COD测量和经济概算表明 ,此方法经济可行 。
A way of treating paper making black liquid by physical filter and chemcial coagulation is introduced,i.e.after dilution and physical filter,the black liquid was adjusted to the optimum pH by quick lime,then was coagulated by PAC and PMA.An optimum technology was obtained through experiment:the quantity of quick lime is 0.1 ton for treating 1.0 ton black liquid and the PAC is 12kg,the PAM is 6g. Through measurement of COD and economical calculation,the way is economical and feasible,and has good foreground.
Journal of Luoyang Institute of Technology