相对论效应实验谱仪能够形象而便捷地验证快速电子的能量与动量的相对论关系 ,作为对近代物理实验的补充 ,利用这一仪器开展一些综合性、设计性和应用性实验 ,不仅可以加深学生对核实验技术和方法的理解与掌握 ,了解核物理技术在其他领域中的应用 ,而且也提高了仪器设备的使用效益 .
The instrument for demonstrating the relativity effect can clearly test and verify the relationship for the theory of relativity of those fast-moving electrons.In order to reform the modern physics experiments,this paper managed to design some comprehensive and applicative experiments with this equipment. As a result, it not only help students to easily comprehend and grasp the technologies,methods and applications of the nuclear experiments, but also improved the efficiency of the equipment.
Journal of Zhejiang Normal University:Natural Sciences