以野生型果蝇、黑檀体果蝇为实验动物 ,研究了不同浓度As2 O3 在不同温度、不同空间下对不同品系果蝇发生量的影响 .实验共分 4个处理浓度、2个培养温度 ,并重复 3次 .结果显示不同浓度的As2 O3 对不同品系的果蝇在不同温度、不同空间条件下的发生量的影响有异 ,表明不同浓度的As2 O3
The effect of different concentration As -2O -3 on the reproduction quantity of different strain fruit flies was studied in different temperatures and spaces.The test had 4 treatment concentrations,2 colture temperatures and was repeated three times.The result showed that the different concentrations of As -2O -3 had different effects on the reproduction quantity of different strain fruit flies in different temperatures and spaces.It is concluded that different concentrations of As -2O -3 had effect on the reproduction quantity of fruit flies.
Journal of Zhejiang Normal University:Natural Sciences
温州市科委科研基金 (N990 313)
温州师范学院科研基金 (N2 0 0 0Z0 12)