通过对卧龙河气田茅口气藏卧 6 7~ 83井裂缝充分论证认为 ,该裂缝系统具有实施强化开采的储量和产能基础 ,加大采气强度不会对气藏造成明显水侵和井壁垮塌等不利影响 ,于是决定对该气藏实施强化开采措施。完成气藏工程和采气工程适应性调整改造后 ,逐步将气藏开采规模由 35× 10 4m3 /d提升至 70× 10 4m3 /d左右 ,气藏气井生产正常。该气藏调整改造工程投资 98.6 1万元 ,而在已实施强化开采措施的近两年半时间内 ,已比原计划多采气 1.17× 10 8m3 。
Through proof to well Wo 67~83 fracture in P 1m gas reservoir of Wolonghe gas field,proves the fraccture system has the reserves and productivity of enforcenent enhance recovery,and it won't exert disadvantage influence of water invasion and borehole wall collapsing to increase the production strength.After finishing the reforming of adaptability on reservoir engineering and production engineering,production capacity of reservoir increases gradually from 35×10 4 m 3/d to 70×10 4 m 3/d,and gas wells production is normal.The total production is increased by 1.17×10 8 m 3 more than former plan within 2 years and half after forced production.The production effect is notable.
Drilling & Production Technology