虽然煤炭企业职工劳动报酬 2 0 0 1年进行了恢复性增长 ,但煤炭企业之间在岗职工平均工资存在一定差距 ,煤炭行业与相关行业工资水平差距过大 ,煤炭行业与国外主要产煤国家矿工工资水平差距悬殊。分析了其中的原因 ,并从税负、政策性亏损补贴、企业办社会、技术改造资金的扶持、社会保障等角度提出了应对建议。
Although a recovery wage increase was experienced by coal workers of China in 2001, there is still some certain gap between the actual incomes of coal workers of various coal mines in this country. The income gasps between the coal sector and some other sectors of China remained large and the income of Chinese coal workers and that of coal workers in some other major coal producing countries are very big. The papers makes an analysis of the inner reasons behind these phenomena and presents some suggestions for the improvements from the angles such as taxation, subsidies, social burdens, the application of technical upgrading funds and from the angle of social security.
China Coal