通过对现场岩体构造的仔细勘察和反复的爆破实验 ,解决了非构造裂隙中的爆破问题 ,找到了一条可供采用和借鉴的创新之路。分析了和田布雅露天煤矿常规爆破作业存在的问题和非构造裂隙岩体对爆破作用的影响 ,提出了新的爆破方法。
Based on repeated and careful research and experiments on site, the author finally finds out a practical way to solve the problem of blasting in non tectonic fissures. The paper then presents an analysis of the problems in the routine blasting in Tianbuya open-cast coal mine and the influence of non tectonic fissured stone on the blasting, thus presents his new methods for blasting. Medium- and small-boilers change to CWM burning: some technical problems This paper discusses the technical problems encountered by the transformation of coal fired boilers for burning CWM. It analyzes the influence of the combustion chamber on the burning of CWM. It also proposes the solution alternatives for preventing slagging and getting rid of the ash from the boilers. The author then finds out that it is importance to add oxygen detector in the CWM facilities and the requirements of the changing slag discharging rate on the supporting dust suppressors.
China Coal