
泌乳素与免疫系统功能关系的研究 被引量:6

Research Advance of Ralations between the Hormone and Immune System
摘要 泌乳素主要由垂体前叶细胞分泌,属经典的神经分泌激素,其能以内分泌的形式作用于远端的靶器官,并发挥生物学效应.近年来发现,许多免疫细胞亦可以产生泌乳素,并且作为一种调节性的前炎性因子,通过与免疫细胞表面的泌乳素受体结合,实现对机体免疫应答的调节.本文对泌乳素与免疫系统、免疫细胞、细胞因子之间的相互作用关系以及其在免疫细胞中的信号传导途径做一综述. The hormone prolactin is mainly secreted by the cells of anterior pituitary. It belongs to classic nervous endocrinous hormone. The piputary hormone prolactin is also produced by cells of the immune system and play a important role as a kind of roinflammatory cytokine through connecting with prolactin receptor on the surface of immune cells to regulate the immnue reponse of the human body. The interactive relations between prolactin and immune system, immuocyte, cytokine and signaling pathway is summarized.
作者 石瑛 尹学念
出处 《北华大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2003年第5期396-399,共4页 Journal of Beihua University(Natural Science)
基金 吉林省教育厅科研基金项目(吉教合字9851)
关键词 泌乳素 淋巴因子 免疫功能 免疫细胞 信号传导途径 Prolactin Lymphocyte Immnue function
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