
虚拟产业群运作管理:一个案例研究 被引量:4

Operation Management of Virtual Industry Cluster: A Case Study
摘要 虚拟产业群作为一种虚拟的企业网络组织,成为构建与运作虚拟企业的基础平台。全赢软件联盟就是一个以商业运作为纽带、以Internet技术为基础、最为典型的虚拟产业群。以此为案例,分析了全赢联盟运作过程中对成员加盟、信息、营销、培训、项目跟踪的管理以及基础设施建设等问题,并讨论了构建虚拟企业过程中的几个问题。由此来解释虚拟产业群的运作管理过程与作用。 In the global virtual business framework of virtual industry cluster, a kind of networked virtual organization was proposed as the platform to create and operate virtual enterprise. In this paper a case study of Allwin Software Alliance was given as the typical virtual industry cluster based on the business interest and modern information communication technology. The paper analyzed major management issues in Allwin Software Alliance, including member admission and registration, management of information, marketing and training, project followup and infrastructures construction etc., and then we discussed four important items in the creation of virtual enterprise. Through above description and discussion, the process and role of operational management of virtual industry clusters were outlined and explained.
出处 《工业工程与管理》 2003年第5期68-71,共4页 Industrial Engineering and Management
基金 冶金局"九五"攻关资助项目(388#)
关键词 虚拟产业群 虚拟企业 案例分析 企业网络组织 全赢联盟 运行 virtual industry cluster Allwin Software Alliance virtual enterprise virtual enterprise broker
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