形成较高的职业能力既是高职高专的教学目标 ,也是评估的依据和标准。本文报告了在实训课教学中组织、实施以“能力本位”为核心的考核改革实践 ,即采用“自评式”、“他评式”和“互评式”等考核形式组织学生进行“阶段性模块验收”、“综合考核检测”和“礼仪情景剧表演”等多种方法的考核。这种既重视总结性评价又重视形成性评价的考核方式能有效地促进学生职业能力的形成 ,是对传统考核方式的一种补充和完善。
Learning to get higher professional capability is the main teaching object in professional eolleges,and also an important basis and standards of evaluating the level of students.This paper reports the innovation on the assess methods of practicing and training course of secretary manners focusing on professional capability.That is to organize students to participate the activities of “stage module checking”,“comprehensive test”,“Scenery performance of manners”,ete,and evaluate their level by self-evaluating,other-people-evaluating,mutual evalating and other methods.This method of assess which exphasizes not only summarizing but also forming evaluation will effectively help students improve their professional capability. It is the supplimentation and improvement to the traditional method.
Journal of College of Disaster Prevention Techniques