全面介绍津滨轻轨工程高架桥的设计情况 ,常规梁跨采用 3 2 5m预应力混凝土连续箱梁 ,节点桥除3 0~ 40m主跨连续梁外尚有异形箱梁、框架墩桥、5 0m简支结合梁及中跨连续刚构桥等 ;同时对津滨轻轨高架桥桥型选定、快速施工、徐变及软基沉降控制、框架墩、结合梁。
An overall introduction is given to viaduct design for Jinbin Light Rail project. Generally 3-25 m span PC continuous box girder was adopted; for main span, 30-40 m continuous girder, as well as special-shaped box girder, frame pier bridge, 50 m simple support composite girder, and medium span continuous rigid frame bridge was adopted. Also an introduction and summary is given to bridge type selection, rapid construction, control of girder creep and subgrade settlement, and design of frame piers, composite girders, and rigid frame bridges.
Railway Standard Design