技术产权交易市场作为风险投资进入和退出的重要渠道之一 ,在实现技术与资本的对接、为企业提供融资和股权流动以及实现风险资本的退出方面起着重要作用。但目前我国技术产权市场存在许多问题 ,影响了当初设计的技术产权市场功能的实现。为此 ,应进一步完善技术产权交易市场 ,其方向是建立统一的、多层次的、功能齐全的OTCBB市场。
The technology rights transaction market plays a very important role in joining technologies and capitals,in enterprise's financing and in risk capital's withdrawing.But there are some problems in the present market.These problems can not only affect the technology rights transaction bureau's profit,but also it can affect the function's achievements of the technology rights market.This paper analyses the common problems on the present technology rights transaction market,and proposes advice on how to improve this market.
Journal of Shandong Finance Institute