高师公共课心理学作为培养未来教师的教育素质和教育能力的必修课 ,主要是向学生提供条件性知识 ,从职业适应性上保证师范生今后从事教育工作所必须具备的教育素质。然而我国公共课心理学的教学现状并不尽如人意 ,存在着教材体系冲突、教学方法单调乏味、脱离学生实际生活等一系列问题。因此 ,为了真正改变这一现状 ,本文从课堂教学的审美化设计的角度 。
Psychology as a public course is a required course aiming at training future teachers' quality and ability of education. But the current situation of psychological teaching is not satisfactory. There exists a series of problems such as a clash of the system of teaching materials, dull teaching method, etc. In order to change the situation, the author puts forward some tentative ideas and tactics of action from an angle of aesthetic design.