采用干排粉煤灰、水泥、矿粉、干砂及复合外加剂 ,经配比、粉磨和搅拌混合等工艺 ,研制出蒸压粉煤灰加气砼 (以下简称加气砼 )专用抹面砂浆 ,其物理力学性能及施工性能满足加气砼墙体粉刷要求 ,并能实现干作业 ,综合效益与社会效益好 ,是解决目前加气砼墙体空鼓 ,开裂等质量通病的创新产品。
In combination of dried fly-ash,cement,orepowder,dr y sand and composite admixture,there is a development of the special plaster mortar for autoclaved a era ted concrete,the physicomechanical and application properties of which can meet the need of rendering and whitewash of the aeroconcrete wall and put the dry pro cess into reality and which is a newly invented product that can solve recent qu ality problems such as aeroconcrete wall open drum and splitting.
Training and Research-Journal of Hubei College of Education