新世纪 ,中国揭开了建国以来第八次基础教育课程改革的序幕。基础教育新课程师资培训成为新一轮中小学教师继续教育工程的核心内容。面对数以千万计的中小学教师 ,面对新课程倡导的全新教育理念 ,我们需要什么样的培训者呢 ?笔者以基础教育新课程骨干培训者省级培训工作为切入点 ,以培训对象———广大中小学教师的需要为出发点 。
In China the eighth reform of the fundamental education h as been inaugurated at the beginning of the new century. Cultivation teachers fo r the new curricula of the fundamental education has become the core of a new rou nd of the project of continuing education for school teahcers. What kind of trai ners do we need? This is the problem facing us. The author has carried out a sur vey on key trainers of the new curricula and the need of the numerous teachers w ho have or will have received cultivating.
Training and Research-Journal of Hubei College of Education