

Influence of literati painting of flower and bird painting porcelain
摘要 中国文人画不仅是中国传统的思想辩证形象的艺术思维结晶,也是中国儒学的意识性存在,这是基于中国儒、道、禅特别是道家禅学的思想,每个时期人们对于绘画的理解都是随着时代的标签,民族的意识变得不尽相同的。 China literati painting is not only the traditional art thinking crystallization China thought dialectical image, but also the consciousness of Confucianism China exists, which is based on the China of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism especially Taoist Buddhist thought, each period of people understanding of painting are with the label, national consciousness became not the same.
作者 吴清江
出处 《陶瓷研究》 2017年第S4期147-151,共5页 Ceramic Studies
关键词 陶瓷文人画 传统陶瓷花鸟 Ceramic literati painting traditional ceramic flowers and birds
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