when implicit integration technique is used for solving nonlinear stiffness problems of rubber component,excessive s mesh distortion or volume self-locking due to large strain can result in the failure of convergence.By taking vertical static stiffness of certain type of rubber spring as a goal,the implicit integration technique is used for solving the quasi-static stiffness of rubber product so that the analysis efficiency can be quickened on the precondition of insuring calculation precision.It is indicated by the analysis and experiments that as rubber is a strain rate-rated ma,the calculation speed can not be quickened by changing the loading rate.Instead,the loading rate shall maintain normal and the calculation efficiency can be gained by adopting appropriate mass scaling factor and the damping factor of ma.The minimum stable time of metal is far less than that of rubber,therefore,in order to improve stable time increment of model,metal can be defined as rigid body.By adopting the explicit integration technique,good quasi-static results of rubber springs can be gained.However,if the rubber is highly constrained,certain error on analysis results can be caused due to volume deformation.All conclusions provided hereinabove give a concept and an evaluation method for rubber springs.
Railway Locomotive & Car
explicit integration technique
static stiffness
mass scaling
rubber components