

Analysis of Type 2 Diabetes Control Standards for Railway Workers in A Region
摘要 在分析本地区255名2型糖尿病患病铁路职工基本情况的基础上,进行体格检查及生化检查。检查结果表明,糖尿病综合控制目标5项及以上达标者为42.35%;空腹血糖、糖化血红蛋白、血压、总胆固醇、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇、甘油三酯、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇、体质指数的达标率分别是32.16%、30.59%、60.78%、61.57%、86.67%、40.39%、47.84%、29.02%;常见合并疾病为血脂异常和高血压。进而提出应加强糖尿病健康干预、提高糖尿病综合控制指标达标率。 On the basis of analyzing the basic situation of 255 railway workers with type 2 diabetes in this area,physical and biochemical examinations were carried out.The examination results showed that 42.35%of all the 5 or more comprehensive diabetes control objectives met the standard.Fasting blood sugar,glycosylated hemoglobin,blood pressure,total cholesterol,high density lipoprotein cholesterol,triglyceride,low density lipoprotein cholesterol and body mass index were 32.16%,30.59%,60.78%,61.57%,86.67%,40.39%,47.84%and 29.02%respectively.Common combined diseases are dyslipidemia and hypertension.Furthermore,it is suggested that diabetes health intervention should be strengthened to improve the compliance rate of diabetes comprehensive control indexes.
作者 李凡 白宁静 LI Fan;BAI Ningjing(Xi'an Railway Disease Prevention and Control Institute,China Railway Xi'an Bureau Group Co.,Ltd.,Xi’an Shaanxi 710054,China)
出处 《铁路节能环保与安全卫生》 2019年第3期49-51,共3页 Railway Energy Saving & Environmental Protection & Occupational Safety and Health
基金 中国铁路西安局集团有限公司研究开发计划课题(2018YZ207)
关键词 铁路职工 2型糖尿病 控制 达标 Railway workers Type 2 diabetes Control Reach the standard
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