高校办学活动中存在以下问题 :法制意识淡漠 ;重权力、轻权利 ;重管理职能 ,忽视平等地位 ;程序观念淡漠 ;尚未建立规范的法人治理结构 ;对日趋复杂的法律关系缺乏必要的应对措施 ;权利保护观念淡漠 ;产业工作不规范 ;依法行政不完备 ;办学活动缺乏完备的制度化依据。针对这些问题 ,高校必须强化法治观念 ,加强法律工作机构及队伍建设 ,规范办学活动 ,加强法制化建设 ,加强高校法制工作的理论研究。
In the administration and management of universities and colleges, there exist the following problems: lack in the sense of legal provisions; emphasis on power at the cost of ignoring rights; focus on management functions with little attention to equality; indifferent sense of procedural formalities; failure in the establishment of a regular structure of management by legal representative; shortage of necessary countermeasures for dealing with increasingly complicated legal relations; weak sense for protection of legal rights; irregular management of university run industries; imperfect administration mechanism; and lack of rational system basis for operational activities. To solve these problems, efforts should be made to strengthen the sense of legal system, reinforce the organizational and personnel construction of legal service, regularize operational activities and promote theoretical studies of law related work at universities and colleges.
Educational Research