在当代中国德育创新的进程中 ,我们除了要注重继承中华民族几千年来形成的传统美德之外 ,还应注重从方法论的角度深入开掘中国传统德教思想的丰富资源。从方法论的视角切入 ,全面透析中国传统德教理论的形成与发展 ,有助于我们更为准确地把握中国传统德教理论的整体特征及其理论与实践价值 ,更为准确地撷取中国传统德教理论的精华成份 ,也有助于我们基于既有的思想材料提供的理论的与实践的经验 ,更加多维地。
In the innovation process of moral education in China, we should develop the rich resources of traditional thoughts on moral education from the methodological angle while carrying out the long established traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. Starting from the theory of methodology, an overall analysis of the formation and evolution of the traditional theories on moral education will not only help us accurately grasp the features and essence as well as theoretical and practical value of China's traditional theories on moral education, but also assist us in having thorough and multileveled considerations about the theory and practice of current moral education on the basis of the theory and experience available.
Educational Research