电力市场环境下发电企业与输电企业的关系已从纵向垄断一体化转变为上下游的买卖交易关系 ,即发电企业竞价售电 ,输电企业按照购电成本最小化的原则进行购电。分析了二者交易的数学模型 ,首先给出了输电企业购电成本最小化的数学模型 ,其目标函数为购买电能和辅助服务的费用实现最低 ,约束函数考虑了各个发电商机组的物理特性。在此基础上给出了各个发电商销售电能和备用的报价数学模型。由于后者必须基于前者来确定 。
The relationship between power plants and power Transmission Companies has been changed from vertical integrated monopoly to up\|down stream trade. Power plants sell power through competition generation bidding; transmission companies buy power in terms of minimizing purchasing\|power cost principle. This paper analyzes the trade mathematics models, and firstly gives mathematics model of purchasing\|power cost minimization for power Transmission Companies, the goal function of which is to minimize the cost of purchasing power and reserves, and the constraints consider the physical characteristics of each power plant's units and the network. This paper also gives the bidding mathematics model of selling\|power for power plants. Because the first model determines the later, as a whole such models are principal\|subordinate two level model.
Modern Electric Power
国家自然科学基金( 7980 0 0 0 2 )资助项目