儒家所提出的关于道德修养的重要性、道德教育的内容及道德修养的方法等方面有独到的见解 ,它曾教育和培养了一代又一代仁人志士 ,鼓舞激励了一代又一代后人 ,应当是当前进行思想道德建设不可缺少的宝贵的精神财富 ,我们应当批判地借鉴、吸收与继承。
The thoughts of Confucianists, such as the importance of moral cultivation, the content of moral education and the measure of moral cultivation, have distinctive opinions. They have cultivated generations of thinkers and motivated later generations. Confucianism should be taken as indispensable spirit property for present moral education. These spirit property be absorbed by modern society and later generations.
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics