
氮素在调控玉米籽粒败育中的作用(英文) 被引量:4

Role of nitrogen in controlling kernel abortion induced by nitrogen-deficient
摘要 本研究的任务在于确定氮素对缺氮所引发的玉米籽粒败育的影响:是直接地由于叶面氮素的供给,还是间接地由于光合作用不足。我们利用茎注液技术,分别注入氮素和蔗糖,以及氮素和蔗糖混合溶液,并利用15氮进行跟踪,分析氮素和糖份对玉米籽粒败育的影响。研究表明:氮素作为同化物直接参与玉米籽粒中蛋白质的合成,同时氮素也提高了蔗糖转化酶的活性,减少还原糖的积累,促进淀粉粒的形成,从而提高籽粒的库容、减少玉米籽粒的败育。 The objective of this work is to determine whether the kernel abortion induced by nitrogendeficient is the direct result of N supply to the ear or the indirect result of limitation in photoassimilates. We steminfuse nitrogendeficient and nitrogensufficient plants, respectively, to provide additional sucrose, N, or similar amounts of both (N+sucrose). The nitrogendeficient plants are also steminfused with 15Nglycine and soil treatment of 15NNO3. Experimental results indicate that N plays a role of direct nutritional enhancement and an indirect enzyme effect on kernel development. The decrease of kernel abortion is due to increased kernel sink capacity, higher activities of both soluble and insoluble invertase, lower accumulation of reduced sugar in the endosperm, and greater assimilate utilization for starch synthesis.
出处 《大连轻工业学院学报》 2003年第3期170-175,共6页 Journal of Dalian Institute of Light Industry
关键词 氮素 缺氮 玉米 籽粒败育 茎注液技术 蔗糖转化酶 同化物 还原糖 nitrogen maize kernel abortion stem infusion assimilates invertase reducing sugar
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