时间尺度是导航定位系统的基础 ,长期以来 ,我国的各个导航定位系统的时间发播不是同步工作 ,这极大影响了导航定位系统的定位准确度。为此 ,我们建议使我国的卫星导航和无线电导航同步协调工作。论述了卫星导航和无线电导航系统同步工作的优点以及潜在的应用背景 。
Time scale is a important foundation of the navigation and position. For a long time, every time issuance system of our nation is not synchronous, which affects the positioning accuracy seriously. And we suggest that satellite navigation sy stem and radio navigation system work on one time standard. This paper discusses the advantage and potential application when satellite navigation system and ra d io navigation work on the same time system. Finally, some key problems, which ne es to be resolved, are pointed out in this paper when the satellite navigation s ystem and radio navigation work on the same time system.
Journal of Astronautic Metrology and Measurement