

Experiment on Recovering Moisture of PEMFC Exhaust by a Porous Media Plate
摘要 针对使用多孔介质板的质子交换膜燃料电池增湿器,建立了研究透过多孔介质板的热湿移动特性的实验测量系统,使用该系统测量并比较了增湿气体(燃料电池的排气)透过多孔介质板向被增湿气体(燃料电池阴极供气)进行热湿传递时,气体的温度、相对湿度与流量等因素对热湿传递特性的影响.结果表明:在使用相同的多孔介质板的前提下,降低气体流量、提高增湿气体进口温度和相对湿度对多孔介质板两侧的换热更加有利;提高增湿气体的进口温度、降低气体流量和增湿气体的相对湿度可提高水分回收率,而提高增湿气体的温度、相对湿度以及流量均可提高水分传递量. With regard to a kind of proton exchange membrane fuel cell humidifier using porous media plate,an experimental measurement system was set up to study the characteristics of the heat and moisture transfer through the porous media plate. Using this system,the temperature,the relative humidity and the flow rate of humidifying(the exhaust gas of fuel cell)and humidified(the cathode gas of fuel cell)gas were measured,and the influences of those factors on the characteristics of heat and moisture transfer through porous media plate were compared. The results show that,when the same kind of porous media plate was used,reducing the flow rate and increasing the inlet tem-perature and the relative humidity of humidifying gas can improve the heat exchange through the porous media plate;increasing the inlet temperature of humidifying gas and reducing the flow rate and the relative humidity of humidify-ing gas can improve the water recovery ratio;increasing the inlet temperature,the flow rate and the relative humid-ity of humidifying gas can improve the amount of water movement.
出处 《天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版)》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期1057-1062,共6页 Journal of Tianjin University:Science and Technology
基金 科技部国际合作资助项目(2011DFA60290)
关键词 质子交换膜燃料电池 增湿器 多孔介质板 热湿传递 proton exchange membrane fuel cell humidifier porous medium plate heat and moisture transfer
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