
基于用户水质投诉信息的供水管网污染源追踪定位 被引量:3

Contamination Source Identification in Water Distribution Network Based on Consumer Complaints
摘要 突发性水污染事故事发突然,污染物扩散迅速,对供水管网水质安全危害巨大.在缺乏足够水质监测设备的城市,用户对管网的水质投诉信息可及时反映管网水质情况.根据用户水质投诉的位置信息,利用改进的污染矩阵法查找管网候选污染源节点,再通过概率理论分析各候选污染源节点中是污染源的可能性,最后采用波达法则和数据标准化法两种方法评价最具可能性污染源.该方法的可行性和有效性通过某市管网实例进行了验证. Accidental water pollution and rapid diffusion of the pollutant terribly affect water quality in the distribution network;the consumers complaint information to water utilities is an important way for monitoring the condition of the water supply systems timely where there is lack of monitoring station. The research first uses the location information of consumer complaints to find the candidate pollution source nodes through the improved pollution matrix methodology.And then the probability of each candidate pollution source node is calculated on the basis of the total probability formula and evaluated by Borda Count and Normalization Count to identify the most possible pollution source.The feasibility and effectiveness are verified through a source contamination event in a city.
出处 《同济大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期283-286,291,共5页 Journal of Tongji University:Natural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(50908165)
关键词 供水管网 污染源追踪定位 概率分析 用户投诉 water distribution system contamination source identification probability analysis consumer complaints
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