A 14-year old girl with 45, X/47, XYY is reported in this paper. She has had primary amenorrhea and failure of appearance of secondary sexual characteristics. Her phenctype has been apparently a female, but she has an enlarged clitoris and short beard. Revealed from laparotcmy, she has a streak ovary on the right side and testis dysgenesis on the left side in the position cf the ovary. However, bilateral Fallopian tubes are present. Clinical diagnosis indicates this as a true hermaphrcditism.Dermatoglyphic examination shows a total finger ridge count (TFRC) cf 194; the a-b ridge count (a-b RC) is 91 for both hands, and whorls are found on all ten fingertips cf the patient.The cause of chromosomal mosaicism and some problems concerned are briefly discussed.
Acta Medicinae Universitatis Scientiae et Technologiae Huazhong