探讨了舰船及海洋环境噪声的提取及处理方法 ,讨论了微功耗三轴磁场传感器的工作原理 ,分析了其正交度误差 .通过线性变换 ,三轴磁强计的正交性误差可控制在 0 .1°以内 ,三轴灵敏度对称性误差小于 0 .1% .采用电路补偿法 ,在巨大静压背景下 ,测量小动态范围的舰船水压信号 ,给出了海上实际测量的结果 .该成果已成功用于一种机动式舰船物理场测量系统中 ,实现了声、磁和水压场信号的同点测量 .
In this paper, a method of detection of the vessel and ocean's acoustics is discussed. The principal of a three orthogonal component fluxgate magnetometer is described in detail and the measure error caused by the error of orthogonality has been analyzed. Besides, The technique of three component orthogonal corrections is also studied for improvement of the magnetometer's performances. After processing, the sensor's orthogonal error is less than 0.1°, the sensitivity error is less than 0.1%. The ship hydrodynamic field signature could be ranged using circuit compensator under huge static pressure background. Finally, the real measuring results of vessel' acoustic, magnetic and pressure signal at same position on the sea have been presented. It has been used in a transportable physical field signature ranger.
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Transportation Science & Engineering)