
高速与重载铁路综合接地系统散流监测技术 被引量:1

Monitoring Technology of Ground Current from Comprehensive Earthing System for High Speed Railway and Heavy Haul Railway
摘要 高速与重载铁路综合接地系统因雷击或短路产生的冲击入地电流会造成人身危险和设备故障,对此研发了地中散流监测系统。系统利用Rogowski线圈对电流进行捕捉,通过存储示波器进行数据同步采集,编制风险评估软件对监测数据进行分析和处理。系统可实时监测和记录地中多点电流的波形,有效、可靠地对雷电及工频电流进行在线监测;风险评估软件可对监测数据进行自动分析和处理,并给出风险评估报告;通过仿真试验验证了该系统的有效性。 The ground current monitoring system is developed to deal with the ground impact current from comprehensive earthing system for high speed and heavy haul railway,which will harm people and arouse equipment failure in case of thunder strike or short circuit.The system uses Rogowski coil to capture the current and acquires data via storage oscilloscope simultaneously,and prepares risk assessment software to analyze and process the acquired data.The system can monitor and record the multipoint current waves in a real-time manner,and make online surveillance of the thunder and power current;the risk assessment software can automatically analyze and process the acquired data and generate risk assessment report.The system has been validated by simulated test.
作者 王鑫 WANG Xin(Shuohuang Railway Development Co Ltd,Suning Hebei 062350,China)
出处 《中国铁路》 2019年第4期92-98,共7页 China Railway
关键词 接地系统 输电线杆塔 散流 监测技术 ROGOWSKI线圈 风险评估 earthing system tower of power line ground current monitoring technology Rogowski coil risk assessment
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