本文从项目全生命周期的角度审视工程项目施工安全管理,引入安全设计的概念。基于Revit二次开发技术,借助三维建模工具Autodesk Revit、开发平台Microsoft Visual Studio,提出了一种将DfS规则转化为Revit能识别的计算机语言,从而对设计进行自动化审查,高效识别施工安全风险的方法,并结合具体实例,论证了该方法的可行性。
This paper scans the construction safety management of engineering project from the perspective of safety management of project life cycle,introduces the concept of Design for Safety.Based on secondary development technique of Revit,by virtue of Autodesk Revit,Microsoft Visual Studio,this paper proposes a method which can convert Revit rules of DfS to computer language,then check the design scheme automatically and discern security risk of construction.At last,a specific instance demonstrates the feasibility of this method.
Journal of Information Technology in Civil Engineering and Architecture