目的 了解和掌握我省《传染病防治法》贯彻实施情况 ,为卫生行政部门决策提供科学依据。方法 运用回顾性研究的方法 ,收集 2 0 0 3年 1~ 5月份的疫情报告、疫情处理和 2 0 0 2年度消毒管理信息 ,对信息进行统计分析。结果 CDC单位疫情报告率为 1 0 0 % ,6 6 .6 7% (2 0 / 30 )的CDC能够对辖区内发生的疫情进行流行病学调查。 87.2 9%的医疗机构建立了门诊日志 ;6 3.5 6 %的医疗机构有传染病登记簿 ;传染病漏报率为 8.85 % ;37.2 9%的医疗机构建立了医院感染控制组织 ,72 .4 6 %的医疗机构有日常消毒隔离制度 ,4 4 .92 %的有传染病隔离制度 ,2 0 0 2年度举办消毒技术培训 4 5 6次 ,全年培训 2 0 6 0 1人次 ,平均为 1 .0 3次 /人 /年 (2 0 6 0 / 2 0 0 91 )。结论 要进一步加强基层医务人员《传染病防治法》的宣传教育 ,认真落实各项规章制度 ,加强业务培训 ,加大监督执法力度 。
Objective To evaluate the implementation situation of Communicable Disease Prevention and Control Law in Anhui Province and provide scientific evidence for making decision. Methods Using retrospective investigation method, we collected and analyzed data on reporting and response of notifiable diseases from January to May in 2003 and information of disinfection management in 2002. Results Completeness of the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDCs) at each level in the Province to conduct notifiable disease reporting system was 100%. 66.67%(20/30) of the CDCs at various levels carried out epidemiological investigation of epidemics and outbreaks of communicable diseases. 87.29% of medical and health-care settings established outpatient daily log, 63.56% medical and health-care settings had and kept notifiable communicable diseases record books. The proportion of under-reporting of notifiabble communicable diseases was 8.85%. 37.29% of medical and health care settings had hospital infection control organizations, 72.46% and 44.92% of medical and health care settings respectively established routine disinfection management and infection patient isolation system. 456 courses of disinfection technical training were hold and 20 601 staff were trained in 2002. Conclusions In order to improving performance of communicable diseases prevention and control further in the province, more training and education about Law of Communicable Disease Prevention and Control needed to be conducted for medical and health care workers. Relative law and regulation should be put in effect and supervision and law enforcement should be strengthened.
Anhui Journal of Preventive Medicine
Law of Communicable Disease Prevention and Control
status of implementation