气象要素的结构函数是描述该要素场统计结构的特征值之一 ,是表征空间不同点之间要素序列差值的离散程度的量。由要素结构函数的空间分布 ,可确定要素的线性内插标准误差空间分布 ,进而可以确定各台站间合理战术内插间距。采用中国东南地区 5 0个台站的 1 0年地面常规气象观测资料对该地区的气象要素的结构函数场特征、线性内插标准误差及台站合理战术内插间距进行了计算分析。
Structural function of meteorological element represents the quantity of dispersion degree about element sequence difference between the different stations in space, with one of the characteristic values of the element statistic structure to be analysed by it. From the spatial distribution of structural function of one meteorological element, the spatial distribution of the meteorological element interpolative error can be determined, together with the rational tactical interval of meteorological stations. Based on the 10 years' ground routine observational data of 50 stations in the southeast areas of China, the meteorological element's character of structural field, interpolative error and the reasonable tactical interval of meteorological stations are computed and analyzed.
Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)