针对目前中国教学论存在洋化多、本土化少 ,理论性强、应用性差 ,效果不好等问题 ,从学科界定、学术风气、传统、师资、研究人员等方面对中国教学论存在问题 ,作了成因分析。在此基础上 ,从观念转变、改革教学论研究及评价的价值取向、队伍培养、人员分工等方面对存在的问题提出对策。
Aiming at the problems in the didactics in China such as the facts that there are more foreign methods than native ones, that it is more theoretical than practical, and that the effects of teaching are not so good, this paper attempt to analyze the causes of the problems in terms of definitions of subjects, academic atmosphere, conventions, teachers, research worker. On the basis of this the author puts forward some countermeasures for the problems such as the change of modes of thought, reform of the orientation of value of didactic research and evaluation, training of teachers, division of work among the personnel, etc.
Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Education(Social Science)