邓小平外交思想是中国进入改革开放新时期正确处理我国与世界各国外交关系的指导思想。邓小平外交思想的历史渊源表现在把国家的主权、安全和国家利益放在第一位 ,秉承中华民族优秀的文化传统 ,对时代特征作出准确判断 ,是对毛泽东独立自主外交思想的有效继承和发展。
Deng Xiaoping's idea of foreign affairs is the guiding principle for correct handling of foreign relations in the new age of China's reform and opening to the outside world. The historical source of Deng Xiaoping's idea of foreign affairs finds expression in the fact that it puts state sovereignty, security and national interests first, carries on the excellent cultural tradition of the Chinese nation, makes accurate judgment of the characteristics of the times and effectively keeps up and carries forward Mao Zedong thought of dealing with foreign affair independently and initiatively.
Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Education(Social Science)