詹姆斯·乔伊斯的小说《死者》既在写实的层面上对“死者”进行追忆 ,同时也在象征的意义上寓示着一切“过去”都是“死者”。小说通过“死者”已死 ,“生者”却还要忍受“偷生”的折磨这一处境 ,深刻地揭示出人生的悲剧。
The Dead a short story by James Joyce not only recollects the dead at the realistic level, but also implies symbolically that all the past is “the dead”. The short story reveals the tragedy of human life by describing the situation that “the dead” is gone long since while “the living” has to bear the sufferings of life.
Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Education(Social Science)