目的 总结分析眼眶炎性假瘤CT表现 ,探讨CT扫描对眼眶炎性假瘤的诊断价值。方法 对 39例经手术病理或临床随诊证实的眼眶炎性假瘤患者的CT表现和临床表现作回顾性分析。结果 泪腺炎型 13例 ,5例双侧泪腺增大 ,8例单侧增大 ,密度均匀 ,边界清楚 ;前部假瘤 4例 ,位于球后 ,与其紧贴 ,边缘不清 ,密度不均 ,临近眼环局限性增厚 ;后部假瘤 5例 ,位于眶尖部 ,密度不均 ,形态不规则 ;弥漫型 5例 ,充满眶内球后区 ,眶内结构分界不清 ;肌炎型 12例 ,单侧发病 ,累及一条或多条眼外肌 ,多为弥漫性增粗 ,眼外肌附着点增厚。结论 眼眶炎性假瘤的CT表现有一定特点 ,CT能明确病变部位、范围和对眼眶炎性假瘤的分型 。
Objective To summarize and analyze the CT findings of orbital inflammatory pseudotumor and evaluate the value of CT scan in diagnosing the orbital inflammatory pseudotumor.Methods CT findings and clinical appearances of 39 patients with orbital inflammatory pseudotumor proved by operation,pathology and clinical follow up were analyzed retrospectively.Results Dacryadenitis( n =13),5 cases demonstrated enlargement of both lacrimal glands, 8 cases demonstrated one side,homogenous density, well defined. Anterior pseudotumor ( n =4) presented as retrobulbar soft tissue shadow surrounding the globe,ill defined, heterogeneous density, thickening of globe wall adjoining the lesion.Posterior pseudotumor( n =5) showed soft tissue shadow located in orbital apex,heterogeneous density, irregular shape. Diffuse pseudotumor ( n =5) displayed diffuse orbital inflammatory soft tissue. Myositis ( n =12) revealed enlargement of extraocular muscles, always in one side, almost diffuse enlargement.Conclusion CT scan can definite the location, extent of inflammatory pseudotumor,classify it, and can easily follow up and evaluate its response to the treatment.
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