
馆际互借与读者荐购的统一关联机制研究 被引量:1

A Study on the Unified Association Mechanism of Interlibrary Loan and Readers' Recommendation
摘要 馆际互借与读者荐购作为图书馆弥补馆藏资源建设不足的两种途径,可以满足读者的文献需求,两者殊途同归。在当前图书馆的实践中,两者往往相互独立,各自存在着优势和缺点。在对两者的实现方式、存在问题以及时效性、获取成本等进行对比分析的基础上,提出了推进两者关联并统一融合的可行性方案。指出需要通过培养读者通过多途径获取资源的信息能力,开发馆际互借与读者荐购的统一提交系统,设计一套文献资源的采购选择标准,建立一套图书订购后的快速处理方法等一系列措施,构建具有一定可操作性的统一关联机制,并设计了相应的流程图,以供同行参考借鉴。 Interlibrary loan and readers’ recommendation serve as two different ways to address the lack of collection. In the contemporary library practice, the two, conducted independently, have their respective merits and demerits. On the basis of a comparative analysis of the practices, problems, timeliness and acquisition costs of the two methods, we present a feasible scheme of associating and unifying the two. We believe that readers’ abilities to acquire resources through various channels should be nurtured. We propose to develop a unified submission system integrating interlibrary loan with readers’ recommendation, to design a set of acquisition and selection criteria, and to come up with a rapid processing method after purchase. Accordingly, we establish an integrated mechanism of feasibility, and design a corresponding fl owchart for reference to peers.
作者 毕奂 严丹 Bi Huan;Yan Dan(Shanghai International Studies University Library)
出处 《图书馆杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期58-63,共6页 Library Journal
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费资助 2017年上海外国语大学青年基金项目"面向‘一带一路’需求的多语种信息资源体系构建研究"(项目编号:20171140051)的研究成果之一
关键词 馆际互借 读者荐购 统一关联机制 可行性方案 Interlibrary loan Readers’recommendation Unified association mechanism Feasible scheme
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