
四个野蔷薇杂交后代的性状表现及其筛选 被引量:5

Traits Expression and Selection of Cross Offsprings of Rosa mulitiflora Thunb f.carnea and R.mulitiflora inermis
摘要  以荷花蔷薇为父本与无刺野蔷薇杂交,结果表明,两蔷薇的杂交亲和性差,杂交后代园艺性状分离广泛.从杂交后代和荷花蔷薇自然实生后代中共选育5个优良株系:3株无刺,1个花高度瓣化,1株花型新颖奇特且花期晚14d.选出的优良株系生长健壮、花色花型优美,可作园林美化植株. The experiment,carnea ♀×inermis♂, shows a low affinity and a wide segregation of their horticultural characters. 5 clones were selected from the cross offsprings and open seedlings of carnea: 3 thornless, flower highly petalled; 1 novel, flower of a strange type and florescence 2 weeks later. All of them are strong and beautiful enough for gardening.
出处 《中南林学院学报》 CSCD 2003年第5期27-29,37,共4页 Journal of Central South Forestry University
关键词 园林植物 荷花蔷薇 无刺野蔷薇 杂交育种 horticulture R.mulitiflora Thunb. f.carnea R.mulitiflora Thunb. inermis cross breeding
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