
非完全数据光学层析的理论与实验研究 被引量:4

Theoretical and Experimental Research on the OCT of Incomplete Data
摘要 为解决以复杂流场三维测量为应用背景的非完全数据光学干涉层析 (OCT)这一国内外急待解决而尚未成功解决的理论与技术难题 ,经多年研究 ,开展了系列实验技术 ,提出了系统的非完全数据OCT重建理论方法 ,并首次将OCT技术与计算流体力学和计算流动图像技术融合 ,为解决非完全数据的光学三维层析开拓了一条新途径。 In order to resolve the Optical Computerized Tomography (OCT) of incomplete data for 3-dimensional detection of complex flow field, which is urgent to be but still not be resolved, a series of experimental techniques have been developed and the reconstruction theories have been proposed for OCT of incomplete data systematically after the authors' many years of researches. Also the fusion of Computational Fluid Dynamics,Computational Flow Imaging and OCT is proposed, which has developed a new way for the OCT of incomplete data.
出处 《南京理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期495-501,共7页 Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology
关键词 光学干涉层析 非完全数据 重建 融合 正交采样 计算流动图像 optical computerized tomography,incomplete data, reconstruction, fusing, orthogonal sampling, computational flow imaging
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