
a-Si太阳电池p层微晶结构的研究 被引量:1

Study on p-type microcrystalline of a-Si solar cells
摘要 用氢气稀释的硼烷及不同氢气稀释浓度的硅烷[n(H2)/n(SiH4)=100,n(H2)/n(SiH4)=10]作为气相反应先驱体,采用等离子体增强化学气相沉积法(PECVD)制备出掺硼的非晶氢化硅薄膜。通过拉曼光谱、激活能测试、暗电导测试表明,高氢气稀释浓度的硅烷在一定的掺杂比时[n(B2H6)/n(SiH4)=1%],沉积出的非晶氢化硅出现了微晶结构,暗电导率可达10-1Ω-1·cm-1,激活能可达0.2eV左右,接着又用μC Si∶H与传统所用的a SiC∶H分别做电池的p层,比较了二者的I V特征,发现μC Si∶H作为电池的p层有更大的优越性。 The p-type films were deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. Boron and different hydrogen dilution n(SiH_4)=100, n(H were used to get the p-type films. Through Raman spectra and the measurement of activation energy and dark conductivity, the amorphous silicon films deposited by use of high diluted hydrogen appear microcrystalline silicon and achieve dark conductivity (10-1 Ω-1·cm-1) and low activation energy (0.2 eV). Then the comparison of I-V characteristics between the cells made with μC-Si∶H as window layer and the cells made with a-SiC∶H as window layer shows that the cells with μC-Si∶H as window layer have better performance.
出处 《电源技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期459-461,共3页 Chinese Journal of Power Sources
关键词 A-SI太阳电池 p层微晶结构 化学气相沉积法 光透过率 电导率 plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) microcrystalline hydrogenated silicon efficiency solar cells
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