目的 :比较两种曲普瑞林降调方案在辅助生殖技术中的效果 ,探索血中促黄体生成素 (LH)水平与临床妊娠率的关系。方法 :将行助孕技术的患者分为两组 ,第 1组 40 2例 ,第 2组 15 6例 ,从上次月经黄体中期开始皮下注射曲普瑞林进行垂体降调节 ,第 1组的剂量为 0 .1mg ,qod ,第 2组为 0 .0 5mg ,qd ,直至注射人绒毛膜促性腺激素 (HCG)止。决定注射HCG日抽血 ,用化学发光法测定LH、孕酮和雌激素水平。结果 :第 1组的临床妊娠率明显高于第 2组 ,分别为44 .5 %和 3 4.9% (P <0 .0 5 ) ,继续妊娠率也高于第 2组 ,分别为 3 8.8%和 3 0 .2 % ,但差异无显著性 (P >0 .0 5 )。测定LH3 75例浓度为 0 .1~ 16.0U·L 1 ,平均浓度 2 .2U·L 1 。结论 :隔日皮下注射曲普瑞林 0 .1mg能有效地抑制内源性LH峰 ,用药方法简便 ,当卵泡期LH水平在 10 .0U·L 1 以下时 ,妊娠率与LH水平没有明显的关系。
Objective:To compare the effects of two pituitary down regulation protocols triptorelin was administered in assisted reproductive technology (ART) and to study the correlation between serum concentrations of LH and outcome of ART. Methods:402 patients received triptorelin 0.1 mg every other day and 156 patients received triptorelin 0.05 mg daily during the mid-luteal phase prior to ovarian stimulation for IVF until HCG injection was given. Serum concentration of LH, progesterone and estrodial were measured before HCG injection. Results:Clinical pregnancy rate was 44.5% in 0.1 mg group, much higher than that in 0.05 mg group ( P <0.05), in which pregnancy rate was 34.9%, but no significant difference was found in ongoing pregnancy rate between tow groups. The average serum concentration of LH was 2.2 U·L -1 . There was no correlation between serum concentration of LH and outcome of ART when serum concentration of LH is below 10.0 U·L -1 . Conclusion:Injection of triptorelin 0.1mg every other day is a effective and convenience protocol to suppress LH surge and no correlation was found between serum concentration of LH and outcome of ART when serum concentration of LH is below 10.0 U·L -1 .
Herald of Medicine
Assisted reproductive technology
Luteinizing hormone