

Review of School Meals System in Britain
摘要 作为福利与社会保障制度中的内容之一,英国的校餐制度生成于20世纪初,并在社会的关注下而持续发展,日益健全。国外学界对它的研究已颇有建树,而国内的相关研究则显得相当零散,大多只是在研究英国福利制度的过程中偶有提及,迄今尚无专著问世。 As one aspect of welfare and social security system, the school meals system in Britain generated in the early of twentieth century and developed sustainably and soundly under the social concern. There are many achievements made in its study by researchers abroad, but the research on it at our country is quite fragmented, and mostly just mentioned it in studying the welfare system in Britain without any monograph.
作者 董梅娜
出处 《铜仁职业技术学院学报》 2014年第6期35-40,共6页 Academic forum of Tongren Polytechnic College
关键词 英国 校餐 制度 Britain school meal system
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