
基于内生性视角的“资源之咒”问题研究 被引量:2

A Revisit of“Curse of Natural Resources”Hypothesis:An Approach Based on Endogeneity
摘要 国内外出现了一系列针对"资源之咒"这一问题的实证研究,但从研究方法来看,解释变量的内生性问题没有得到研究者足够的重视。本文的模拟显示,解释变量的内生性问题会导致严重的估计偏误。在对解释变量可能存在的两类内生性问题进行讨论之后,本文运用中国省级面板数据研究了能源资源禀赋对经济增长的影响。本文的实证研究结果表明,中国各地区能源资源禀赋对经济增长存在显著的正面效应,这一正面效应部分是通过促进固定资本积累间接实现的,本文的研究结果不支持"资源之咒"假说。 Many empirical studies focused on 'the curse of natural resources'have been implemented,most of which confirm this hypothesis.But our simulation shows that the endogeneity of the independent variable can cause serious estimation bias,which calls for a more serious treatment of this problem.After a discussion of three kinds of endogeneity that may exist in the empirical studies,we implement an empirical study concerning the relationship between energy abundance and economic growth using the Chinese data in provincial level.The results show that energy abundance has a very significant positive effect on economic growth in China and part of this effect is passed through fixed capital investment.
作者 张德荣
出处 《经济学报》 2015年第2期137-154,共18页 China Journal of Economics
基金 国家社科基金(14BJL026)资助
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